Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New project

Hey folks

I'm working on a new project - here are some more details

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Future of Wargames - Don't Ask Me

I've fielded some questions in the last month from fans of the Wargames line from Vigilance.

Thought I'd just write a blog post to address the issue.

When I left Vigilance there was a dispute over who owns Wargames.

Bottom line: My lawyer has advised me that the legal battle would be prohibitively expensive and she strongly suggested I write Wargames off as a loss and walk away.

I have informed Vigilance Press of my intent to never publish a Wargames product again and to not contest any thing they want to do with it.

It's sad. It was a pet project I was very fond of and worked hard on for 4 years.

But - this is really the only course open.

Unfortunately, I had a fair amount of art I'd already bought for upcoming Wargames releases. In addition, there were several manuscripts completed for that setting. I'll be reusing what I can and just taking a bath on the rest.

Anyway - that's the final word from me on Wargames.