Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 in Review

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

Might be the most apt way to sum up 2011.

Professionally, I lost my day job abruptly in February. But after a humiliating 2 month period of unemployment, I found a better job that even paid 15k more. So: 'best of times'. Or, at least, better.

Creatively, 2011 started out as a continuation of the success we'd had in 2010 at Vigilance Press. We were putting out fun books, we were making money (albeit, some but not a ton) - we were continually in the top seller list on RPGNOW, the podcast was growing in popularity. In short: things were fun and going relatively well (or as well as things can go for small press rpg publisher, anyway.)

Then, Vigilance Press was sold and the new owner had a dramatically different vision of how things needed to be.

To make a long story short - there wasn't much interest in me continuing to do the kind of work I'd been doing for Vigilance in 2010 and early 2011. Initially there were some polite comments made about wanting my involvement and contribution since I'd been a big part of Vigilance.

However, in one of the initial organization meetings, I was told in no uncertain terms that they didn't want the kind of stuff I was writing "clogging up the release schedule."

There were some polite attempts made to keep me on as an editor or statblock checker. I got into RPG writing a few years back as a creative outlet. It was increasingly clear that Vigilance would no longer be a venue for that for me. When I was told I'd have to give up control of the podcast I'd been doing for over a year -- well, it was clear that we had to part ways.

Things do change and, while I disagree with his approach, the new owner certainly has a right to do things his way.

You usually want to end these 'year in review' posts on a high note.

But, frankly, I've been at loose ends since then.

I'd been very involved in Vigilance Press on a variety of levels for some time. It's hard to walk away, even if it is time to leave.

For the time being, I'm pursuing freelancing opportunities with various RPG companies - so there be more of that in the future.

On a brighter note, I've converted the VP Podcast to the BAMF Podcast - and it continues to be both fun to do and enjoy a steady audience.

I do, also, have a few more ideas in the pipeline that will see daylight in the near future under my own banner of Fainting Goat Games. Hopefully I'll have my first independent releases ready by February of 2012.
Here are a couple of preview images from the first release

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